CODEPINK recognizes Palestinians as the rightful owners and caretakers of Palestine, their indigenous homeland. We support Palestinians’ right to resist the violent Israeli occupation of Palestine. We are committed to supporting Palestinian liberation from abroad, using the demands of Palestinians as our guideline for organizing, and we endorse the BDS movement. Our priority at CODEPINK is to educate and empower our audience to take action for Palestine!
We’re calling on the World Medical Association (WMA) to stand firm in their values and demand the immediate release of Gaza’s detained medics. The WMA has long championed the protection of healthcare workers in conflict zones, and now is the time for them to take a stand.
We are thrilled to bring you a brand new website that exposes the Zionist lobby machine — check it out and take action! And grab our latest toolkit to plan protesting a member of Congress!
Check out CODEPINK events Missing Peace Monday Community Hour Congress: Where Are the Calls for Peace?