It’s time to stop imagining doomsday and start creating peace!
We continue to watch the second hand on the Doomsday Clock move closer to doom! This is not engaging, or educational and it is not inspiring the masses to throw themselves in front of the creation of more nuclear weapons. We need to move the second hand to peace, to the abolition of nuclear weapons. It takes millions of small acts of resistance and building. Join us as we move the hand on the peace clock towards peace and a nuclear free future together!
The steps to control and reduce the size of nuclear arsenals, having reduced nuclear weapons from 70,000 to 13,000 on the planet today, yet the apocalyptic threat of nuclear war has never been more dangerous. The Doomsday clock is now set at 89 seconds to midnight. We offer The Peace Clock to pivot our attention from Doom to disarmament. We offer intervention points you as a peace activist can take to affect not just political leaders, but your community, the war industry, academia and more to do their part to move the Peace Clock towards the abolition of nuclear weapons and the dawn of a new age.
There isn’t a threat of nuclear weapons there is the presence of nuclear weapons and they have emboldened Israel to do what it is doing to Palestine, and as Netanyahu said he wanted to make it Hiroshima. He has succeeded without dropping the bomb, but the threat of the bomb does not bring peace; it allows the greatest horrors mankind has ever witnessed. Our fear; nuclear weapons in the hands of madmen? It has happened. We must act now!