Check out the offerings below to learn more about China, to get ahead of the curveballs the mainstream media are throwing, and to be a peacemaker.
News on China: - The interest on China is growing everywhere. Yet most of the available news and analysis outside China is produced by mainstream media from the Global North. To provide access to Chinese perspectives, the Dong Feng Collective — formed by researchers from various countries — is preparing a weekly digest of news from China.
CODEPINK's Frequently Asked Questions on the China Is Not Our Enemy campaign.
Xinjiang: A Report and Resource Compilation - A comprehensive resource compilation provided by Qiao Collective to use as a starting point for critical inquiry into the historical context and international response to China’s policies in Xinjiang, offering a counter-perspective to misinformation that abounds in mainstream coverage of the autonomous region.
China Has Transformed Millions of Hectares of Farmland into Forest/Grassland - This program has generated ecological benefits worth 1.38 trillion yuan and has also contributed to boosting income for rural residents and alleviating poverty
Closing China’s Health Care Gap & Reducing Illness-induced Poverty - A look into how turning to technology has alleviated chronic problem of uneven distribution in China’s health care system
Taking China's Pulse - A Harvard research team unveils findings about Chinese public opinion from a long term public survey
China Is More Democratic Than America - Ben Schott breaks down statistics showing that public opinion deems China more democratic than the US