CODEPINK Press Release
Contact: Janet Weil, CODEPINK, janet@codepink
"For far too long, our nation has been engaged in perpetual war." – Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Peace and justice advocates will hold a press conference opposing President Obama’s request for a new Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) and calling for non-military responses to the tragic situation in Syria and Iraq.
When: Tuesday, February 17, noon
Where: Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA
Speakers include: Emily Yates, Iraq War veteran; Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director of Western States Legal Foundation; Cat Brooks of ONYX/Black Power Network; Paul Cox of Veterans for Peace; Stephen McNeil of American Friends Services Committee; Janet Weil, CODEPINK staffer and military family member.
President Obama’s request for a new AUMF to give retroactive congressional support for a US military campaign against ISIL, ongoing since August 2014, has already been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. This new AUMF would give the green light to at least 3 more years of military involvement in the Middle East, has no geographical restrictions, and leaves intact the 2001 AUMF which entrenched the “world as battlefield” strategy.
After the press conference, some speakers will take a statement to Congresswoman Lee's office in the Oakland Federal Building. With her colleague Mike Honda (CA - 17), Congresswoman Lee has put forth legislation “to emphasize diplomatic, political, and economic solutions to work towards a lasting, inclusive future away from violent extremism.” See full statement here:
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