Tell PayPal to stop allowing settler organizations to use their services for fundraising! |
Dear friends,
The Abraham Accords, signed one year ago this month, were touted as stopping Israeli annexation of the West Bank in exchange for normalization with the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco. But, over the past year, not only did Israel wage another war in Gaza, killing over 250 people, including 67 children, but their illegal settlement enterprise continued full steam ahead. Along with the attempts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from the Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods, just last month, Israel approved 2,000 more settlement units in the West Bank and pushed forward a plan for a massive new settlement — 9,000 housing units — in East Jerusalem. If completed, it will be the first new settlement to be built in East Jerusalem since 1997.
Palestinians trying to hold onto their lands not only have to deal with an apartheid state supported by the U.S., but the online payment company PayPal is facilitating the missions of settler organizations.
Tell PayPal to stop allowing settler organizations to use them for fundraising
Here are some of the settler organizations accepting donations via PayPal:
- The Hebron Fund facilitates land grabs and violent harassment of Palestinians in the most heavily occupied city in the West Bank. Palestinians in Hebron face numerous checkpoints, roads closed off to them, and walkways separated in half, one side for Jews, one side for Palestinians.
- American Friends of the Bet El Yeshiva Center funds the ideologically extreme settlement of Bet El which encroaches on the bustling Palestinian city of Ramallah. The American Friends of the Bet El Yeshiva Center brags that it supports an army preparatory academy and numerous settler media companies inside the Bet El settlement.
- Friends of Ir David is a tax-exempt U.S. charity whose mission is the Judenization of East Jerusalem. Israel has renamed the Silwan East Jerusalem neighborhood “City of David” and spent the summer demolishing Palestinian homes.
At the beginning of August Israel’s Supreme Court issued a “compromise” ruling for East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah: the Palestinian families got the status of protected tenants. However, the court also ordered them to pay 1,500 shekels ($465) a year to the settler company Nahalat Shimon, hell-bent on removing Palestinians. Settler organizations plan on using a loophole where if they obtain urban renewal construction permits, they can force the Palestinian families out of their homes.
Tell PayPal to stop helping the settlers carry out ethnic cleansing. Sign our petition now!
To mark the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, last week Jared Kushner hosted an event at the Four Season hotel in Washington D.C. As Kushner was giving his opening remarks, I joined him on the stage. “No matter how many countries Israel normalizes relations with, peace will not happen until Palestinians are free,” I said. “There’s nothing normal about apartheid,” I continued as security forced me from the room. Help me tell PayPal to stop facilitating apartheid and get on the side of peace.
In solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice & freedom,
Ariel & the entire CODEPINK team
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