FEB 9, 2023
CODEPINK and others show solidarity and support for President Lula's vision by welcoming him to DC for his first official visit with President Biden.
WASHINGTON -- CODEPINK and other organizations welcome Brazil’s President Lula da Silva in D.C. on Friday. The gathering will take place at 2:15 pm at 1651 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Brazilians living in the United States will join local unions and students from D.C. to celebrate Brazil's recent democratic win. In this past election, Brazilians chose democracy over a growing extremist rhetoric.
CODEPINK asks President Biden to take heed to President Lula's push for peace in Ukraine. In a tweet, Lula said, "Brazil has no interest in ceding ammunition to be used in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Brazil is a country of peace. At this moment, we have to find those who want peace, a word that until now has been used very little." He recently affirmed his commitment to peace and diplomacy. At a press conference he expressed a desire to create a "club of countries that want to build peace on the planet."
"Building peace on the planet should be a top priority for President Biden and the United States. The U.S. should work in cooperation not competition with other nations for the sake of people and the planet. Latin America is leading the way towards sustainability and the United States should follow" said Michelle Ellner, Latin America Team organizer with CODEPINK.
The welcome party intends to bring a warm welcome to the Brazilian President for his D.C. visit. President Lula is in town to meet with President Biden. He also plans to meet with Senator Bernie Sanders, members of the House of Representatives, union leaders with the AFL- CIO and more.
“President Lula has shown great respect to our indigenous people, in the efforts and emergency aid, especially towards the Yanomami people. They are great forest defenders and therefore, defend everyone’s future, including Americans' future. We stand with Lula in his effort to stop illegal gold mining in Yanomami’s protected lands and bring humanitarian aid. He is setting the example on indigenous inclusion with the new Ministry of Native Peoples, and also in his plans for Racial Equality and antiracist efforts along with the U.S.” stated Natalia de Campos from Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee.
Other organizations in attendance include Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee from New York and Florida, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER coalition, Claudia Jones School for Political Education, and the Brazilian Popular Struggle Committee chapters from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
For more information contact:
Michelle Ellner - CODEPINK: [email protected]
Natalia de Campos- Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee: +1 917 449-0022 [email protected]