- Check out our resources page to learn, stay informed and take action in solidarity with Afghanistan
- Co-Sign Ann Wright's letter to Secretary Blinken demanding the embassy in Kabul be kept open & humanitarian aid sent to Afghanistan!
- Latin America campaign: Tell your Representative to stop the RENACER Act!
Stop the Sale of $750 Million Dollars of Weapons to Taiwan!
Tell Congress to Vote No on more $$ for militarism & environmental destruction in the anti-China EAGLE Act!
- CODEPINK STATEMENT: CODEPINK Responds to the Attack in Kabul, Reiterates the Failures of War
- Some Americans were right all along on Afghanistan. By Medea Benjamin
- The U.S. Military Is Driving Environmental Collapse Across the Planet. By Sam Carliner
- Afghanistan: Biden Eulogizes Another Humiliating Defeat for U.S. Imperialism. By Sam Carliner and Jimena Vergara
- Israel’s War on Children: The Continuous Trauma of Gaza. By Justina Poskeviciute
- CODEPINK in the News Round-Up: August 2021
Episode 106 (August 26, 2021): The Power of the Congressional Progressive Caucus & the Link Between Militarism and the Climate Crisis. Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
WTF is Going on in Latin America: Ecocide and Genocide in Brazil
Vijay Prashad on The U.S.’s Forever Wars: From Afghanistan to China
COP26: Countdown to Glasgow Webinar
Code Pink's @medeabenjamin warns that the end of the war in Afghanistan will encourage the Biden administration to pour more money and resources into a rivalry with China. "It is a delusional idea that we should be focusing on China as an enemy," she says. https://twitter.com/democracynow/status/1430513037090250752
— CODEPINK (@codepink) Aug 25, 2021
Update: @ArielElyseGold is back! Thank you to everyone who helped us fight this ridiculous censorship. https://twitter.com/codepink/status/1429526075076403201?s=20
— CODEPINK (@codepink) Aug 22, 2021
In Feb 2003, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell told the UN there was “no doubt” in his mind that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program. 18 years later, we know that the US had no valid evidence. Colin Powell lied through his teeth to justify invading Iraq. #WarCriminalWednesday. https://twitter.com/codepink/status/1430612263983935489
— CODEPINK (@codepink) Aug 25, 2021