Local Peace Economy New Year Gathering
Join us on Sunday, January 8th as we move into a new year with clear intentions
WHAT: LPE New Year Gathering
WHEN: Sunday, January 8th, @ 3:30-5pm
WHERE: Venice, CA
RSVP here for more information and address
Tea and sweets will be provided and items from CODEPINK’s store such as Local Peace Economy Pink Popcorn and our newest I love Palestinian Human Rights t-shirts will be available for sale.
Jodie Evans on Connect the Dots With Lilia Garrett
Hear more about CODEPINK's work and the inauguration.
WHEN: Monday, January 9th @ 7am
WHERE: KPFK. Listen live here.
Close Guantanamo Now!
Mark the 15th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo prison and the human rights violations. We will join Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) at the rally to call on Obama one last time to close GITMO. Samira Abrar from Afghanistan will be speaking for CODEPINK.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 11th, @ 12-2pm
WHERE: Federal Building, 300 North, Los Angeles St. , CA 90012
Contact Samira at [email protected] for more information.
Activism in the New Climate
History-making activists from three countries and wide experience will join to discuss the outlook for activism in 2017. Listen to Jodie Evans talk about the future of activism on Kosmos Journal Google Hangout.
WHEN: January 10, 2017 @ 1-2:30pm
WHERE: Kosmos Community Forum
Women's March in LA
Join CODEPINK's Rise^Love^Resist Contingent at the Women's March, Los Angeles! We stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families -- recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
We Build Bridges Not Walls, Grow Peace, Bust Up Hate, Women Say No to War, We Love Our Muslim Neighbors, Immigrants Welcome and more. Our messaging and attitude will be positive about the love, peace, and justice we want to see in the world.
We say no to war and demand an end to militarism audaciously by raising beautiful trouble! We envision the divestment of the war economy and the reinvestment in the prosperity of our communities!
WHEN: Saturday, January 21st
WHERE: 5th St. & Hill St. Corner of Pershing Square at 9AM. PLEASE WEAR PINK!
RSVP at [email protected] for details
We start out the year rising, loving and resisting and hope you will join us,
Jodie, Mariana, Patricia, Paula, Samira, Susan, and the CODEPINK team