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Say NO to Endless U.S. Wars! 20th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion Event in Madison, WI

Join CODEPINK, ANSWER Coalition and the People's Forum to protest on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq

We will gather Sunday 3/19 at 3:00 pm at the State Street steps of the Capitol for a short antiwar rally, then we will cross the street to Tammy Baldwin’s office to protest plans by Sen. Baldwin and others to bring polluting, nuclear-capable F35 fighter jet to Madison, as well as the US ruling elites’ runaway spending on war and weapons while they neglect the needs of our people and planet.

This event is cosponsored by Four Lakes Green Party and Veterans for Peace – Madison.

The demonstrations will make connections between the human and financial toll of U.S. militarism at home and abroad. Key demands include:

  • End the $100 Billion in arms shipments to Ukraine
  • End NATO
  • Stop the permanent war economy that funnels trillions of dollars away from jobs, education and health care
  • Negotiations now! The people of the U.S. are not interested in the possibility of nuclear war nor the Pentagon’s policy of “weakening Russia.”
  • No to war with China!

And wear PINK!

Learn more details on how to endorse and transportation to the march HERE.




State Street Steps of the Capitol
2 E Main St, Madison, WI 53703, United States,

Google map and directions

Can we count you in?


Who's RSVPing

  • Satinath signed 543 days ago