For contact information:
Nancy Mancias, [email protected], CODEPINK
Moses Hernandez McGavin, [email protected], CODEPINK
CODEPINK and allies will call on CEO Larry Fink and Shareholders to Stop Making a Killing on Killing
WHAT: Rally and Protest outside BlackRock offices on May 25th *****VISUALS FOR PHOTOGRAPHING*****
WHEN: 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 25, 2021
WHERE: BlackRock offices, 45 E. 51st St, New York, NY 10055
A coalition of several diverse organizations will protest outside the BlackRock building in part of a week of action protesting BlackRock's annual shareholder meeting on May 26th, 2021. They will be protesting the world's largest shadow bank for its practice of investing in the most morally corrupt companies in the world, including U.S. and Israeli weapons manufacturers, private prison contractors, and oil companies. The coalition of activists believes that all these companies focus on putting profit for the blinded elite investor class before the people's needs in the U.S. and worldwide.
“Even though BlackRock said it would like companies to implement human rights processes, they continue to profit from its weapon and oil investments damaging the planet and its people. We call on BlackRock to hold themselves accountable and demonstrate their commitment to human rights,” states CODEPINK campaigner Nancy Mancias. “This shareholder season, we also ask for BlackRock to fire its board member Murry Gerber for his deep ties to oil and military contractor Halliburton.”
BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, controlling more than $9 trillion in assets globally. It is one of the largest shareholders of Tasers manufacturer Axon enterprise and has billions of dollars invested in Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. Weapons made by these companies are being used in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other places around the world where the US continues to be involved in active conflicts.
Corporate accountability must extend to those who hold the shares of these companies. BlackRock claims to hold companies “accountable” while continuing to profit off the most morally corrupt companies in the world.