This is outrageous! CODEPINK, alongside 19 other organizations worldwide, has just been banned from entering Israel. Israel banned us for our support of the nonviolent boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and because we oppose their human rights violations - human rights violations that are committed with US weapons and US military assistance.
US tax dollars bankroll the Israeli occupation of Palestine to the tune of $3.8 billion a year and US weapons companies take advantage of Israel’s occupation. While CODEPINK is no longer permitted to travel into the country, Lockheed Martin maintains a subsidiary office and booming industry profiting off of attacks on the Palestinian people. There is a way we can all continue to challenge the militarized occupation of Palestine and to oppose corporate complicity in Palestinian human rights violations.
In the tradition of the nonviolent BDS movement, we can all get to work urging our cities, universities, pension funds, faith communities, and more to divest from US weapons companies for their profiteering from supplying the tools of warfare to brutal regimes like Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Take the pledge to Divest from the War Machine and join us as we host a Week of Action to #divestfromwar from February 5th to 11th! Be one of the groups around the country holding fun and creative actions to highlight how deeply embedded the war machine is in every aspect of our society.
Being a part of this new Israeli blacklist only enhances our dedication to work for justice, equality, and freedom for all people. It speaks to the legitimacy and power of divestment as an effective nonviolent tool for social change and strengthens our resolve to help build the movement.
Join us to stop weapons companies and their investors from making a killing on killing. Pledge now to #divestfromwar and learn how to get to work in your own community for the Week of Action in February! Pulling money from these merchants of death will help the Palestinian cause and everyone around the world who is suffering from war. Let’s work together to shine a light on those who profit from war and repression!
In peace and solidarity,
Ann, Ariel, Brienne, Haley, Jodie, Katie, Kelly, Medea, Molly, Natasha, Paki, Sarah, Taylor, and Tighe