Join us to say: "No Taxes for War and Genocide!"
We oppose our taxes being used to kill innocent Gazans!
No business as usual on April 15.
Immediate ceasefire; humanitarian aid to Gaza NOW!
12 pm: Gathering at UN Plaza, Market St. and Hyde St., San Francisco
San Francisco's UN Plaza is named in honor of the 1945 founding of the UN in San Francisco. The UN General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Article 1 of the Declaration: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
12:30 pm: Parade to IRS Office @ 450 Golden Gate Ave. from UN Plaza
Family-friendly 4-block parade; banners, posters, streamers, drums, kazoos. Activist dogs invited! Car caravan for non-walkers. Musicians, dancers, actors, artists, poets, clowns: please join the parade and the action at the IRS!
1:00 pm: Action at IRS Office @ 450 Golden Gate Ave.
Tax refusal teach-in, street theater, bannering, children's activities, sidewalk chalking, ceasefire postcards, music, snacks, sit-in.
Divest from the War Economy! Defund the Pentagon! Stop paying for wars, occupations and sanctions on Gaza, Cuba, Haiti, Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen. Over 50% of Our Taxes Go to Fund the Pentagon's forever wars. Profits are up 60% for the "Merchants of Death": Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon (RTX), Grumman, etc. We pay for 800 U.S. Military Bases Worldwide.
Invest in a Peace Economy! We want our taxes to fund healthcare, housing, education, clean energy, child & elder care, transportation, clean air & water, student debt relief, safe bridges and roadways, libraries--not war, fear and misery.
We'll stop the US war machine when we stop funding it! Tens of thousands of innocent Gazans have been killed by the Israeli military with U.S. weapons we paid for. We have spent billions of dollars on weapons for the Israeli military. We supply 60% of the weapons Israel is using to kill innocent civilians in Gaza. We demand that Congress and President Biden stop funding weapons to Israel, call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, no additional funding, and halting weapons "already in the pipeline."
Hosted by CODEPINK Bay Area. Endorsers: World Beyond War, SF Gray Panthers, Extinction Rebellion Peace, ANSWER Coalition, Veterans for Peace, Human Rights Working Group of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco (list in formation).
This is San Francisco's action for the April 15 Nationwide Economic Blockade.
UN Plaza
Market and Hyde,
San Francisco , CA 94102,
United States,
Cynthia ·