RISE LOVE RESIST! Today is One Billion Rising!
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the #LoveRevolution and the power of RISING together. There are endless reasons to be in the streets today; pick yours and RISE. Last Sunday, Nancy Mancias led Bay Area CODEPINK and V-Day teams as they danced Salsa across the Golden Gate Bridge to launch this week of RISING!
Join us in Los Angeles, New York City, or find the Rising near you. Share your ideas, pictures and videos with us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or email! Use the #rise4revolution & #1billionrising hashtags and connect with people around the world rising for love and justice for women.
Continue to RISE, LOVE & RESIST! Take this energy and direct it locally towards concrete changes we want to see in our communities. Download #NoBanNoWall window signs and share with your community and local businesses, build your local peace economy.
Rising in power and love,
Ann, Ariel, Jodie, Mariana, Mark, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Paula, Samira and the CODEPINK team