We are outraged that Biden just bombed Syria. Sign the petition now: no more Middle East wars! |
Dear friend,
When Biden promised a “return to normal”, did he mean normal atrocious U.S. military actions in the Middle East? Because yesterday, out of nowhere, the U.S. bombed the sovereign country of Syria. The militia bombed in Syria posed absolutely no threat to the United States and is actually involved in fighting ISIS.
Bombing Syria escalates the conflict in the Middle East. Such actions are not what Biden promised during his presidential campaign and they are certainly not what the American people want. Biden must de-escalate immediately! Sign our letter to President Biden now!
The pro-war faction is claiming that bombing Syria will strengthen the U.S.’s hand in its negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal. But this is complete (as Joe Biden would say) malarkey! Instead, it will make it more difficult for the U.S. to resume negotiations with Iran as it will give even more power to the Iranian factions who oppose diplomatic relations with the U.S. and reviving the JCPOA.
Without an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), the Biden administration has no congressional authorization to go to war against a sovereign country. As Representative Ro Khanna said, “We cannot stand up for congressional authorization before military strikes only when there is a Republican president. The Administration should have sought congressional authorization here. We need to work to extricate from the Middle East, not escalate.”
It is urgent that the U.S. cease military actions in the Middle East and immediately get the U.S. back into the Iran Nuclear Deal. Tell Biden that Americans say NO MORE WAR!
Toward peace,
Ariel, Medea, Ann, Angela, Carley, Ciara, Cody, Danaka, Emily, Farida, Grace, Jodie, Kelsey, Leila, Leonardo, Maxine, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Sana, and Teri.