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Melissa Garriga

Melissa Garriga

Contact Melissa:   

Melissa is the Communications and Media Relations Manager at CODEPINK.
Melissa is a passionate communications specialist with a B.A. in Public Relations from Tulane University. Born and raised in a Mississippi coastal town where the local economy is and remains dependent on government contracts to build navy warships, Melissa witnessed early on how the war economy exploited poor and working-class people in the United States in order to kill and injure poor and working-class people abroad. 
Her previous experience includes media relations work for a U.S. congressional campaign, a pro-public education advocacy group, and most recently as a member of the national communications team for the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival. When not working, Melissa spends her time organizing on the ground with various Mississippi organizations around issues such as the Mississippi ICE raids of 2019, Mississippi prison crisis of 2020, climate and man-made environmental crises, and Mississippi's abortion ban.