This Saturday, join Julie Levine from the Topanga Peace Alliance and CODEPINK to discuss how to throw a wrench in the war machine by divesting from war.
- Topanga Library Community Room
- 122. N Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290
- Saturday, February 10
- Doors at 10:45 am
- Find out more: FACEBOOK
CODEPINK, in partnership with an array of peace and disarmament groups, is launching a divestment campaign to encourage universities, religious organizations, retirement funds, mutual funds, private investors, and other financial institutions in the United States to take action to reduce violent global conflicts and slow the hyper-militarization of our world by divesting from the U.S. War Machine.
Divestment from the War Machine means divesting (removing invested assets) from companies that derive their profits by supplying and profiting from U.S. military interventions, expansions, and the militarization of our streets. In other words, we are calling for divestment from companies that make a killing on killing. Take the pledge to divest here.
See you soon,
P.S. Interested in inner change for social change? Starting this Thursday, we are launching 21 Days of Mindfulness with daily practices to reconnect us with our bodies, with the Earth and with each other, as a catalyst for beautiful change.