Today, on International Peace Day, the US Senate failed to block the latest massive weapons deal to Saudi Arabia. While we’re disappointed, we are also inspired and energized by the momentum around this issue, which has been generated by activists like you. In just the last month, we’ve accomplished so much...
We met with top-level officials from the State Department to deliver 5,000 of your signatures on a CODEPINK petition calling on Secretary Kerry to pressure the Saudis to stop bombing Yemen.
Medea has visited 25 communities in the US to talk about her latest book Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi Connection.
In a huge show of support, we convinced 64 members of Congress to write to the Obama administration asking for the weapons deal to be withdrawn - thank you for contacting your Representative!
CODEPINK has been an instrumental part of creating the largest coalition in the country of grassroots and humanitarian organizations mobilizing to oppose the deal. We’ve been having weekly meetings to coordinate our efforts, and today’s vote won’t stop us!
We’ve published 7 videos that have reached over 30,000 people, featuring voices from Yemen. Thank you for watching and sharing our videos!
Crumbling under public pressure, the last remaining US manufacturer of cluster bombs (that was selling them to Saudi Arabia!) Textron announced it would stop producing these horrific weapons!
None of this work would have been possible without your activism and your support.
In solidarity,
Alice, Alli, Aniqa, Ariel, Bushra, Chelsea, Janet, Jodie, Jules, Mariana, Martha, Max, Medea, Nancy, and Sam