FEB 1, 2023
Honoring the Victims of Peru: Protest & Conference Outside the Peruvian Embassy
“Our request is that foreign countries not interfere in our affairs and for U.S. citizens to show your solidarity with the people of Peru who are being criminalized and killed for organizing against the repressive illegitimate Boluarte government” Patricia Carvajal- member of PEX no al golpe & Micaela Peru
WASHINGTON D.C. -- CODEPINK, PEX no al golpe, PEX al lado del Corazon, PSL, and ANSWER Coalition, announced a protest and press conference outside the Peruvian embassy on Friday, February 3 at 3 pm EST to denounce the egregious human rights violations committed by Dina Boluarte’s government. Since coming to power, Dina Boluartet has unleashed a brutal response against the mostly indigenous protesters calling for her resignation. At least 60 Peruvians have been killed and over 1000 have been injured by the police and military.
In attendance at this event will be members of the Peruvian diaspora, including a local member of PEX no al golpe, Patricia Carbajal who has held weekly protests outside the Peruvian embassy since the incarceration of President Pedro Castillo. Patricia has personally invited members of congress to show their solidarity by attending, including Rep. Chuy Garcia, who in a letter to President Biden expressed concern about the "indiscriminate violence" and "consistent use of excessive force" by Peruvian security forces and urged the administration to "publicly denounce these ongoing human rights violations."
What: Honoring the Victims of Peru Protest and Press Conference
Who: CODEPINK; PEX no al golpe; PEX al lado del Corazon; PSL and ANSWER Coalition
When: Friday, February 3, 2023 at 3:00PM EST
Where: Embassy of Peru; 1700 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
This action comes on the heels of Boluarte's Foreign Minister’s visit to Washington DC, where she held meetings with U.S. lawmakers and businesspeople to clear up the image of her government. We call on the U.S. government to denounce Boluarte’s actions and stop enabling the brutal repression by cutting off all military aid and security assistance to Peru. We echo the demands of Peruvians demanding that 1) President Castillo be released from prison, 2) the resignation of Dina Boluarte, 3) the closing of the congress, and 4) the creation of a new constitution to replace the current one, which was issued under the Fujimori dictatorship.
Organizers Available for interview.
Samantha Wherry- [email protected]
Patricia Carbajal-[email protected]
Aria Dellepiane- [email protected]