You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it,
unless you see yourself as belonging to it
and responsible for changing it. -Grace Lee Boggs
unless you see yourself as belonging to it
and responsible for changing it. -Grace Lee Boggs
Daily Practice: Belonging begins in our communities. It begins with connecting with strangers. Sometimes it is easier to fret about the big things; but to affect them we must be growing power locally. Today watch what you could do if you took the extra time? Is there a community meeting? A homeless shelter?A community garden? It begins with learning what are the local issues that touch those who have less? It begins with knowing you belong here and you have a responsibility to enriching your community. Let us know what that looks like for you. You too could be as shiny and joyous as Grace Lee Boggs.
Grace Lee Boggs on the history of activism in America.
What does belonging look like for you?