Dear Friends,
Thank you for taking this path to love with us. When we openly explore the violence in our days, our lives, our communities, our culture, and our world, we better understand why our hearts may want to stay closed and protected. This is also why we may run into other protected hearts. Although they are longing to be open, they are also caught up in replicating the violence that closed them.
On these 21 days, we hope you have collected tools for openheartedness for yourselves, your community and the world. We can only change what we love.
“I am human, I consider nothing human alien to me,” wrote Marx with words that originated with the slave Terrence in 165BC. The war economy thrives when we believe we are alienated from each other. In recognizing ourselves in each other and by understanding violence as a response to a system that thrives on violence, we can turn toward choosing a different path and growing muscles of connection that expose us to the abundance we live in.
This is where peace and love combine. To know is to love, and from that platform, the work for justice and equality and all things that unite us can be possible. The war economy is a system that we all participate in. Recognizing the violence within and without, and using all of ourselves to grow peace is to Be Love.
We are here to support you in growing your local peace economy. We hope you will reach out and learn more.
💖 In love...
Jodie and Kelly
PS: If you missed an email from us, click here to see an archive of our 21 Days to Love emails.
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