Tomorrow, we focus on the value of love: love for one another, love for ourselves, and love for the resistance that helps bring about a peaceful world. At CODEPINK, we express love through our actions to end war and violence.
This Valentine’s Day, we invite you to share these cards as expressions of your love and desire for peace. Email them to your friends and family. Post them on social media. Print them out, and hand them in person to your loved ones.
Today, at the start of the trial for 17-year-old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, the judge ruled all reporters or diplomats out of the room. Throughout her trial, the doors of the military court will remain closed to accountability and human rights. Meanwhile, Israel continues its policies of occupation, land theft and apartheid.
The war economy — billions of dollars for death and destruction — is barrelling ahead. From Saudi bombing of Yemen to an upcoming military parade, weapons companies are profiting at the expense of lives and human needs. But there is another way. By divesting from war and engaging in practices of love, we can build a local peace economy that has global reach.
This Valentine’s day, we invite you to express radical love through acts of resistance: divest from war, stand for Palestinian rights and grow your local peace economy.
Onward in love,
Ann, Ariel, Brienne, Jodie, Katie, Kelly, Mark, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Natasha, Paki, Sarah, and Tighe