Posted by CODEPINK Staff
Check out these video highlights from Free Speech TV's coverage of the historic One Nation Working Together March on Saturday, October 2nd. Organizers estimate that over 175,000 people attended the rally and march. Below is video of Thom Hartmann and Rosa Clemente's live interview with Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK: Women for Peace.
This interview aired live to 35 million households on Free Speech TV via DIRECTV channel 248, DISH Network channel 9415, and streamed on to thousands of online viewers.
Watch live streaming video from freespeechtv at
In the collaborative and uniting spirit of One Nation Working Together, please feel free to share this video widely. You can even embed this video interview on your website, blog, or other social media sites.
Here's the link to more of Free Speech TV's coverage of the One Nation March: