by Toby Blome'
This morning peace activists with Shut Down Drone Warfare blocked the West Gate and the Main Gate to Holloman AFB during the morning commute. Initially 5 peace activists blocked entry for 20 minutes to the West Gate of Holloman AFB using banners/signs stating: U.S. Drone Warfare is Terrorism; Holloman: Stop Training Drone Assassins!!!; No Tax $$ for Genocide.
Some of the blocked cars crossed the highway to go back to the main gate. Otero County Sheriff officers arrived 15 minutes after the start of the blockade and gave the activists a one minute to clear the roadway. The activists did so and then went to the Main Gate.
At the Main Gate, 6 activists blocked the roadway just feet away from the entrance into Holloman AFB using signage stating: Drone Pilots Refuse to Fly; Free Palestine; Honor our Vets, End War; No More War. The activists chanted: "We will not be complicit; Stop the drone killing; Stop the Genocide!" Within 10 minutes, Otero County Sheriff officers arrived and arrested the six that were blocking the roadway.
The arrestees were taken into custody by the Sheriff’s department and after processing were taken to the Magistrate Court for arraignment.
They were arraigned and later released.