Local Peace Economy Gathering in the Bay Area
Join us on Sunday March 5th at 1pm in Berkeley for a discussion on how to use our latest tool to create sanctuary spaces and rapid response networks. We will also be talking about the proposed $54 billion proposed increase in military spending for 2018. Together we will study how much the U.S. already spends on militarism and strategize how to resist this. After the meeting, we will have a space to make visuals for the #GenderStrike on March 8th, where we will be holding down a strong presence saying Feminism Not Militarism! Join us!
WHEN: March 5th, 2017,1-2:30pm
WHERE: RSVP here for address and details
For more information and/or questions email Paula at [email protected]
Join us as we Rise, Love & Resist at the Gender Strike!
March with us on Wednesday March 8th for the #GenderStrike! We call for a world without weapons and war, without violence and hate, without bans and walls. Let us take this opportunity of communities coming together to say Feminism Not Militarism- #NoBanNoWall, #NoDAPL, #ShutDownICE! Join us as we #RiseLoveResist!
WHEN: Wednesday, March 8th @ 12pm
WHERE: Justin Herman Plaza, 1 Market Street, San Francisco, CA
Join us in this great day of action!
In movement,
Paula, and the CODEPINK team
P.S.: Print, post, and share these posters- because we say #Not1More detention or deportation and #nobannowall. Immigrants and refugees are #heretostay. Learn more about how to support vulnerable communities during these times at our No Ban No Wall resource page.