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Dr. Patricia Y. Jones

Dr. Patricia Y. Jones

Dr. Patricia Y. Jones—now retired—is a licensed clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience as a clinician and administrator of mental health programs. She now serves on the CODEPINK Board of Directors. Her vocational experience encompasses a diverse array of clinical settings; public and private, profit and not-for-profit as well as academic institutions. Dr. Jones was the founder and President/ Clinical Director for the Institute for pSychodiagnostic Interventions and Services, (ISIS) Ltd.; one of only a few minority-owned, private sector psychological service corporations nationwide. Dr. Jones is responsible for clinical supervision and training of a multi-disciplinary staff as well as program development and implementation of a broad range of clinical service product lines.

Dr. Jones also provides technical expertise in program development, implementation, and evaluation to social services agencies serving ethnically and culturally diverse populations. Her current professional work also includes serving on the boards of Voices for Illinois Children, as the Finance Chair for state Senator Jacqueline Collins and trustee for the George Eastman House International Museum for Film and Photography. Dr. Jones, with her husband Stephen Blessman are members of Social Venture Network, a diverse community of business leaders and entrepreneurs who can effect positive social change through business. Their combined business interests and portfolio focus is also on socially responsible investing. While screening their family stock portfolio for companies that do good socially while doing well financially. Dr. Jones Blessman is the associate producer for the documentary film Carbon Nation and also serves on the board of Blacks In Green.