Dear Activist,
What will happen when a Socialist, War Hawk, Vietnam Veteran, anti-Iraq war opponent & former Maryland Governor walk out on to the first 2016 Democratic Party presidential debate stage tonight?
We don’t know -- but what we do know is there are a number of key issues about respect, cooperation and demilitarization missing from the national debates. We need your help to remind candidates that U.S. foreign and domestic policies should not be based on war and policing!
Join us tonight online during the debate using #President4Peace to urge candidates to agree to CODEPINK’s 10 Peace Positions.
We’ve created a Social Media Bird-Dogging Guide complete with sample tweets and other helpful links so you can pack a real punch in 140 characters or less.
These candidates have a lot to say on foreign policy, war, and militarism -- it’s up to us to reframe this conversation and make the focus point on peace.
See you online tonight!
Giving Peace a Vote,
Alli, Ariel, Chelsea, Janet, Janna, Jodie, Lisa, Medea, Michaela, Michelle, Nancy and Tighe