Posted by CODEPINK Staff
The Metro Economies Policy Committee passed the War Dollars Home Resolution unanimously. As Jackie Cabasso of Mayors for Peace explained,
#USCM2011 Metro Econ Cmmttee used consent calendar-type process to adopt 13 resolutions simultaneously. Noone pulled Bring Our $$ Home!!
Unpacking that tweet: business is done at the US Conference of Mayors by consent. A member of the committee may ask for a resolution to be reviewed and debated and then it wont be passed as a part of the committee's slate of recommendations.
Before the resolution got to committee, it was reviewed by the US Conference of Mayors' lawyers. They determined that it fit under the rubric of Metro Economies Policy, meaning that the lawyers understood--from the language of the resolution--the deep connection between the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the lack of funds for cities here in the U.S.
The next step in the process is for the resolution to be approved by the full US Conference during their plenary business meeting on Monday.
In the meantime, we'll be celebrating this victory at a Teach-In tonight in McKeldin Square, on Pratt St between Light and Calvert in Baltimore..
Tomorrow, we're participating in a March & Rally for Jobs, kicking off at St. Vincent Church and marching to the Hilton where the mayors' are meeting. Because ending war is just half of the equation. Congress must bring the money home and help create jobs, rebuild infrastructure, fund education, and research renewable, sustainable energy.
Onward towards peace!