Posted by CODEPINK Staff
Amy Ferris, author of the upcoming "Marrying George Clooney: Confessions from a Midlife Crisis," penned this beautiful, touching piece "What Color Is Peace?" on the death of her mother and CODEPINK's recent 24-hour Mother's Day vigil for the Women's International Perspective weekly online magazine. Here's an excerpt:
One of my fondest memories of my mom is when she and her friends would sit around and knit. It seemed that in those few hours they shared their woes, they solved their problems, they spilled a couple of secrets, they found great humor, and solace and comfort, and there, among those women -- a profound connection that could only be found in the bond between them. It seemed to me that women could accomplish anything once they put their minds (and knitting needles) to it.
A memory of my mom that I deeply longed for, but witnessed again this Mother’s Day in Washington, DC.
Read it here and please comment!