Posted by CODEPINK Staff
This Week in Accountability, August 27, 2011
The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International held its annual conference in Washington DC along with a press conference at the National Press Club. In an ongoing attempt to educate the public about the use of unmanned drones and tax payer money used to purchase these deadly machines, CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin hijacked the press conference to tell the truth about armed drones and question the experts on civilian casualties. CODEPINK continues to hold drone manufacturers accountable for civilian deaths. Protests against these merchants of death have included General Atomics, Northrop Grumman and AeroVironment.
In hopes to raise awareness around human rights, students and teachers at a high school in New Zealand spent their lunchtime dressed as Guantanamo detainees. Guantanamo detainees have been subjected to harsh interrogation treatments such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation, physical and mental assault and torture. The students were also raising funds for the local Amnesty International chapter.
The CODEPINK accountability campaign has launched a move Dick Cheney's book photo contest to counter his new book 'In My Time', which is scheduled to hit the shelves of local bookstores on August 30th. A Facebook group has been created, along with bookmarks to insert inside the book. Photos of the book move will be posted on the website. In an early interview release, former Vice President Dick Cheney told NBCs Jamie Ganged that "There are gonna be heads exploding all over Washington" when the book comes out. It's unspeakable that Cheney continues to support waterboarding.
Dick Cheney reveals in his new book, how he was the lone voice in pushing for a military strike on suspected nuclear reactors in Syria. In a NYTimes article, Cheney indicates how he fought against softening President Bush's speeches around Iraq and puts the blame on the 'terrorist' for the challenges the U.S. faced in Iraq.
In the fall, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will release a new book. In her roles as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, Rice approved and apologized for numerous war crimes on behalf of the Bush Administration. Using visions of mushroom clouds and other scare tactics, she convinced the American public of the necessity of waging an illegal war. She also allowed torture to displace diplomacy as the hallmark of the US foreign policy.
Barack Obama, during his campaign, promised to end the war in Iraq, close Guantanamo, and end torture, among other commitments for peace. American voters have recognized the costs of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Libya--lives lost, international cooperation thwarted, and tax dollars squandered. The Obama administration has authorized unmanned drone attacks in Pakistan, in direct contravention of international law, and an attack in Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of many civilians. Watch the CODEPINK intervention team engage President Obama outside the White House.