Posted by CODEPINK Staff
Thanks to the fearless leadership of 2010 Most Valuable Local Official Mayor Kitty Piercy, the War Dollars Home Resolution was submitted for review to the US Conference of Mayors.
14 Visionary Leaders joined Mayor Piercy in calling for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and for Congress to bring the war dollars home for vital domestic needs.
Additional visionaries are sought to add their names to the list of co-sponsors. Is your mayor up for the challenge? Contact your mayor today!
A big CODEPINK kiss to all of our co-sponsoring organizations. It takes a village of civic-minded activists to make the connection between the local and the global and convince our local elected officials to join the fight to end the wars and bring the money home.
Remember - the work isn't over! Additional mayoral co-sponsors must be added before the annual mayors meeting to ensure the resolution passes. And if you're available, we'd love for you to join us in action in Baltimore June 17-21 to end the wars and bring the money home!