Posted by CODEPINK Staff
By Janet Weil, CODEPINK
Note: This rally in San Francisco was one of over 70 around North America. NYC, DC, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Nashville, and Los Angeles also had CODEPINK presences at No War on Iran rallies (see pics from NYC here).
No War on Iran. DUH. No kidding!
Code Pink has been working for over 5 years to stop the next war now. On my first trip to DC and the first CP DC House, the first congressional hearing I demanded that we go to was a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including then-Senator Obama, on Iran, in which all 7 speakers made the case NOT to attack Iran. At the end of the hearing, one of us codepinkers revealed the underside of the shawl which said, “Don’t Iraq Iran!” and danced around in front of the chair, Senator Lugar.
In 2008 Code Pink organized a "naval blockade" of New York Congressman Ackerman's yacht in DC with 2 tiny boats, and after that action, along with a strong push of calls and office visits to congressmembers, that particular sanctions bill for a naval blockade of Iran was dropped. We have had victories! We can have victories again now!
Saying no to war in Iran also means opposing AIPAC and the far-right Israel Lobby. The US government can do much more than just say, “Israel is probably going to attack Iran.” The US government can tell its war-mongering client state to JUST FORGET ABOUT IT! You’ll be hearing more about that as Code Pink and our allies occupy AIPAC in DC, March 3 – 6. It’s way past time to get AIPAC out of our elections!
And I’ll just say the obvious: The United States, as the greatest nuclear power on earth, warning Iran about its supposed nuclear weapons programs is ridiculous hypocritical propaganda!
Say it with me: No War on Iran! No War on Iran! No War on Iran!