We can’t seem to stop talking about defense spending. Maybe that’s because folks everywhere are starting to demand a decrease of the obscene percentage of our federal discretionary budget going to the Pentagon. We’re thrilled to join forces with our partners in the peace movement and shout this message out from the rooftops: We demand an end to funding endless wars! In the U.S. we’ve already spent a mind-boggling $5.9 trillion on our Middle East wars since 2001.
Congress was squabbling this week over whether to give the Pentagon the full $750 billion President Trump is demanding or a paltry $16 billion less as the Democratic party is pushing for. Amidst the two-party consensus that provides endless funding for war, the People’s Moral Budget is a guiding light in an ocean of war hawks. We fully support this amazing project.
Here’s how you can help:
How can the Pentagon ask us every year to support endless wars, arms sales to Saudi Arabia we know will be used on innocent Yemenis, and constant threats of new wars of aggression against Venezuela, Iran, and other places?
All this death and destruction simply to enrich the CEOs of weapons companies and to keep the Pentagon in business while almost half of us in the U.S. live in poverty, affordable housing is nowhere to be found, and the Pentagon is one of the top contributors to climate change is unacceptable . Recent research shows we can save $250 billion of the $350 billion we want to reduce annually by cutting the Pentagon’s funding for endless wars, closing 60% of our 800 foreign bases, dismantling nuclear weapons and cutting unnecessary weapons. Will you send a message now to the 2020 candidates demanding action?
Towards Peace,
Ann, Ariel, Carley, Clara, Jodie, Kelly, Kirsten, Lily, Maya, Mark, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Ryan, Sarah, Tighe, Ursula, and Zena