Posted by CODEPINK Staff
I finally made the move to ditch the corporate bank account I’ve had since I was eight years old and opened an account at a local, sustainable bank.* So did thousands of Americans during Bank Transfer Day this past weekend, resulting in over $4 billion dollars moved out of big banks and into credit unions.
Do you know where your money spends the night? Wall Street banks are trashing our economy and our environment in the name of their own profits—do you buy into their corruption and greed?
It’s time to Pink Slip Big Banks and invest in a more peaceful and just future by moving your money! How?
Here are some great resources:
• Tool: Find a Bank or a Credit Union near you
• Print: Download and print out our PINK SLIP BIG BANKS statement to hand into your bank when you close your account
• Checklist: 7 Simple Steps To Move Your Checking Account
• Make socially responsible investments as an alternative to bank CDs or money market accounts
• Share your banking story with us! Upload a video to our website, submit a photo, or email us your story.
Moving our money is one of the powerful ongoing direct actions that has come out of the growing Occupy movement. Join an Occupy action near you today and put your money and your body where your values are. And meet us online at