- WHAT: #DivestFromWar and #StopElbit Actions
WHEN & WHERE: Monday, December 3
12pm: BlackRock, 55 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10055
1pm: BNY Mellon, 240 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10286 - RSVP HERE
Join CODEPINK on Monday, December 3rd to shine a light on how BlackRock and BNY Mellon are profiting from killing, repression, and settler colonialism around the world.
BlackRock and BNY Mellon are just two of the war profiteers making bank from investments in Elbit, Israel's largest "defense" company. Elbit manufactures parts for drones surveilling Gaza and tanks destroying Palestinian land. Since 2009, Elbit has built migrant surveillance towers on the US-Mexico border.
Join us at one or both locations to expose how BlackRock and BNY Mellon are making a killing from killing. Together, we can #DivestFromWar and #StopElbit!
- WHAT: CODEPINK NYC Divest from War Gathering
- WHEN: Monday, December 3, 5:30-7 pm
- WHERE: The People’s Forum, 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY
Gather with the CODEPINK team; Medea, Jodie, Ariel, Maya, Ursula, and Sarah to reflect, brainstorm, and plan around the local Divest from the War Machine campaign! Bring feedback and questions so we can move forward together.
- WHAT: Advice for VICE Action
- WHEN: Tuesday, December 4, 12-1 pm
- WHERE: VICE HQ, 49 S 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Join us at VICE Headquarters in Brooklyn to demand that VICE end their contract with the Saudi Research and Marketing Group. Advice for VICE: Doing business with the murderous Saudi regime isn’t edgy!
In light of the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi and the ongoing war in Yemen, many prominent companies have announced they will be cutting ties with Saudi Arabia. VICE isn't one of them. We demand that VICE cancel their contract with SRMG immediately. Sign the petition here.
As always, contact CODEPINK NYC Organizer Sarah with any questions.
Toward a weapon-free world,
Ariel, Jodie, Maya, Medea, Sarah and Ursula