Speaker Nancy Pelosi just stared down Donald Trump — and won. She showed the nation what resistance looks like. But when it comes to foreign policy, particularly US policy towards Iran, she is marching to Trump’s drum — the drumbeat of war. She hasn’t pushed Trump to re-enter the Iran nuclear agreement and she hasn’t tried to end the sanctions that are hurting ordinary Iranians. To our amazement, she has even joined National Security Advisor John Bolton in supporting the terrorist Iranian group the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK), making appearances at their events and sending supportive video messages!
John Bolton and his team of war hawks have been outspoken about their call for regime change and even military intervention in Iran. In September, Bolton even sought options for a military strike in Iran. It’s no surprise he has close ties to the MEK, a controversial exiled Iranian dissident group. But Nancy Pelosi???
The MEK has little to no support in Iran because of the alliance it had with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war, which killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians. Despite having been previously listed as a terrorist organization in the U.S., the MEK has cultivated close ties with members of the Trump administration, Republicans in Congress — and even some Democrats.
As the most powerful woman in U.S. politics and the leader of the Democratic party, Nancy Pelosi should not support a terrorist group that pushed for the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal and is backed by warmongering politicians in the Trump Administration like John Bolton, who want crippling sanctions and military intervention in Iran.
Towards peace with Iran,
Medea, Lily, and the entire CODEPINK team
PS. Check out the article on Iran by Medea and Azadeh in The Hill.