Posted by CODEPINK Staff
February 20, 2014
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of IAW is to educate people about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS movement.
This year Israeli Apartheid Week is taking place from February 24-March 2, it is a series of events including rallies, lectures, cultural performances, film screenings, and boycott Israel actions. (Don't forget to join us March 2nd at Boycott AIPAC! We will be protesting at the AIPAC policy conference at the Washington DC Convention Center from 8:30am-8:30pm with a special event from 2-4, so stop by for any part of the day!)
Here are some the events happening across DMV campuses for IAW:

Monday 2/24: Talk on Gaza with Eva Bartlett at 6 pm in 104 Ward Building
Tuesday 2/25: Film Screening of "Salt of This Sea" at 7:30 pm in 1 Ward Building
Wednesday 2/26: Discussion on the Academic Boycott with American Studies Association member at 5:30 pm in 1 Ward Building
Thursday 2/27: Panel Discussion on South Africa, Apartheid Israel, and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement at 8 pm in 1 Ward Building
Friday 2/28: Poetry Performance and Q & A with Remi Kanazi at 7 pm in 3 Mary Gradon Center.

Monday 2/24: Why Academics Should Boycott Israel with Steven Salaita at 7:15 pm in Johnson Center room D.
Tuesday 2/25: Israel's New Racism: David Sheen on African Refugees in Israel at 8 pm in Johnson Center room A.
Wednesday 2/26: Cultural Resistance to Apartheid: A Roundtable Discussion at 7:30 pm.
Thursday 2/27: Understanding Apartheid with Tony Samara at 8 pm in Johnson Center room E.

Monday 2/24: Spring 2014 General Body Meeting at 6 pm in room 1226 of the Juan Ramon Jimenez building.
Tueday 2/25: The Wall Must Fall at 11 am at the McKeldin Mall Sundial.
Thursday 2/27: The Crisis in Yarmouk at 6:30 pm in room 1224 of the Juan Ramon Jimenez building.

Tuesday 2/25: Why Boycott?: The Palestinian Call for Non-Violent Action Against Israeli Apartheid with ASA member Steven Salaita at 7 pm in room 111 St. Mary's building.
Wednesday 2/26: African Asylum Seekers and the Crisis of Israeli Nationalism dinner and debriefing with journalist David Sheen at 7pm in room 398 Walsh building.
Thursday 2/27: Screening of 5 Broken Cameras at 7 pm in room 103 of the Edward Bunn Intercultural Center building.