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Intergenerational Coffee Hour: Draft Resisters & Escape Artists

Congress keeps trying to expand the draft to include women. As young anti-imperialists we understand that justice would look like abolishing the draft completely for all genders. People of draft age have a unique opportunity to oppose draft expansion and push for the abolition of the selective service system. Intergenerational Coffee Hours are a feature of CODEPINK's Peace Collective, a cohort for anti-imperialists under 30 to learn from and talk to older organizers. 

On February 3rd we will be joined by Edward Hasbrouck (who went to prison for resisting the draft) and Rivera Sun (author and peace activist who's father transported draft resisters out of the United States). 






Danaka ·

Can we count you in?

9 RSVPS Sophie Shepherd Aarushi Sen Kaitlin Blanchard Holden Green Calla Walsh Elise Villemaire

Who's RSVPing

  • Sophie signed 808 days ago

  • Aarushi signed 830 days ago

  • Kaitlin signed 833 days ago

  • Holden signed 833 days ago

  • Calla signed 833 days ago

  • Danaka signed 833 days ago

  • Elise signed 835 days ago