May 3, 2023
Media Contact: Melissa Garriga | [email protected]
CODEPINK Disrupts Former Fake President, Juan Guaidó
WASHINGTON D.C.—Students and peace activists joined CODEPINK at the Wilson Center on Wednesday to give Juan Guaidó the welcome he deserves. Guaidó was a special guest at an event titled, “The Battle for Democracy in Venezuela: A Conversation with Former Interim President Juan Guaidó.”
CODEPINK member Leonardo Flores stood up, calling out Guaidó for being the installed “puppet-president” of Venezuela, while CODEPINK campaigners Samantha Wherry and Michelle Ellner took to the stage in protest. They were rough-handled by security and removed from the stage.
“Guaidó called on the U.S. to directly intervene, even militarily, against his own people, for organizing a failed invasion of mercenaries and a failed coup, both in 2019. There is nothing democratic about Guaidó.” said Latin America Campaigner, Michelle Ellner.
In violation of the Venezuelan Constitution and disrespecting the democratic will of the Venezuelan people, Guaido swore himself in as “Interim President” setting of a regime change operation that has led to serious losses for the Venezuelan people such as the confiscation of Citgo in the U.S., the multi-million dollar corruption scandal related to Monomeros in Colombia and the confiscation of 31 tons of Venezuelan gold by the Bank of England, just to name a few. Venezuela has lost over $230 billion in revenues from the illegal U.S. sanctions, hurting the country’s possibility of addressing its major problems and recovering its economy.
CODEPINK will continue to advocate for true democracy in Venezuela. We will continue to demand the United States stay out of foreign elections and lift the sanctions that hurt and harm the hard-working citizens of Venezuela.
See full video posted here