CODEPINK Press Release
May 5, 2015
Contact: Alli McCracken, CODEPINK National Coordinator, 860-575-5692,[email protected]
Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Co-founder, 415-235-6517, [email protected]
When: Wednesday, 6:00-8:00pm on May 6th
Where: Busboys and Poets located at 5th and K Streets NW.
Washington, DC --- On Wednesday May 6, CODEPINK and the Institute for Policy Studies will be hosting a welcome home reception for whistleblower John Kiriakou. As of May 1, Kiriakou has been freed after spending a year and a half in prison for blowing the whistle on CIA torture. Kiriakou will be discussing his prison term and his new position at the Institute for Policy Studies working on CIA and US Foreign Policy issues. He is presently writing two books, including one about his first-hand account of America's prison system. He will be available for interviews at the event.
John Kiriakou is an anti-torture whistleblower who was brave enough to speak out against torture, which is against our country’s principles and international law. Despite the fact that the US Senate produced a detailed review of the US’ use of torture, there has been no attempt to hold the perpetrators accountable.
“John Kiriakou is an honorable and patriotic American,” said CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin. “He never tortured anyone, yet he is the only person to go to jail in relation to the torture program of the Bush Administration. We’re delighted that he is finally back home safe with his wife and children and we hope that his empty jail cell with soon be occupied by the real criminals–– those who authorized and carried out acts of torture.”
CODEPINK expects a full house of enthusiastic human rights advocates ready to give John Kiriakou a hero’s welcome.