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Join CODEPINK for an Earth Day Twitter Storm!

Join CODEPINK on April 22,  the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, to spread our message that War is NOT Green!
We'll be taking to social media to educate our communities and followers about how if we're going to address the climate crisis, we need to cut the pentagon budget and invest in the Green New Deal! To join:
1. RSVP on this page to receive our social media toolkit
2. From 9AM-10AM PT on Earth Day, use our sample posts on our social media toolkit to post on social media to spread the message that War is Not Green
3. Make sure to repost CODEPINK on twitter, facebook, and instagram to help us amplify our message!
RSVP to receive our social media toolkit.
You can learn more about our War is Not Green Campaign and why addressing the climate crisis has to include divesting from war here




Social Media


Carley Towne ·

Can we count you in?