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Ask President Biden to join China to promote peace in Ukraine!

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Dear President Biden, 

On the 51st anniversary of the Shanghai Communique of 1972, we ask you to carry on this legacy of peace and diplomacy and join China to facilitate peace in Ukraine. 

On February 27, 1972, the United States and China issued a joint diplomatic statement, the Shanghai Communique of 1972, proclaiming that “there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.” From this, the U.S. established the one-China policy, which became the bedrock of peaceful U.S.-China relations for 51 years. 

Diplomacy has ensured peace and prosperity for one and half billion people in China for more than half a century. Today, as the war in Ukraine recently passed the one-year mark, diplomacy is needed now more than ever to promote peace for people everywhere and the planet. 

On February 24, 2023, China issued a comprehensive plan to promote peace in Ukraine. Diplomacy requires everyone to sit at the table and negotiate. The U.S. needs to join China to call for diplomacy and create the conditions needed for everyone to sit at the table and negotiate. We ask you to call for a ceasefire to stop the death and destruction in Ukraine, facilitate peace talks and resume diplomacy with Russia, and lift the sanctions which are only causing economic hardship and hurting the people in Russia. 

We ask you to take China’s call for peace seriously. This is not about the U.S. competition with China; it is about peace triumph over war, people and planet triumph over militarism, love triumph over hate. China is not our enemy. Join China to call for diplomacy now to promote peace in Ukraine. 


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