There almost always seems to be something remarkable and memorable that happens each month during our bridge walk--sometimes small, sometimes large and impactful. After all, it is a place that draws visitors from around the world. Yesterday, at the end of our walk and rally on International Women’s Day, we were approached by a vibrant group of about 20 Mexican American female activists of all ages, mostly young, all dressed in PURPLE! They came to the bridge to rally support for a major movement taking place in Mexico:
Today, on Monday, March 9: Un Dia Sin Nosotras! (A Day Without Women).
In response to a horrendous increase of violence and killings against women in Mexico, women are stepping up to the plate and saying ENOUGH! Today will be a general strike across the country, where activists are calling for all women to stay home, stay off the streets, and purchase nothing for 24 hours.
When they arrived to the plaza and saw our group with our signs that read: "Women Want Peace, Equal Rights, RESIST, Women Say No War, Embrace Feminism, Support Afghan Women," and our large banner that read: "CELEBRATE WOMEN PEACEMAKERS!," we all knew immediately that we were kindred spirits. It was a beautiful exchange as they asked to take our photo, and vice versa. It was another opportunity to celebrate our sisterhood together. One of our messages for the day was: "Include women on the negotiation table,” a demand by women activists from Afghanistan who were blatantly excluded from peace talks between the Taliban and the U.S. Thus we were delighted to see this message on one of our new friend's shirt:
Many visitors to the bridge stopped to talk with us before, during, and after our walk, and supported our public celebration of women activists, women’s rights, and women’s day. There were meaningful conversations shared and we passed out the well-loved RISE, LOVE, RESIST stickers. Barbara brought some images of women activists from Afghanistan working for peace and we all shared names of women peace & justice activists we admire who have or are making history. Greta Thunberg, Loujain al-Hathloul, Medea Benjamin, and Jane Adams to name a few. We also had a spirited and joyful celebration of our 13 years of CODEPINK monthly bridge walks by sharing delicious snacks brought by many. And now we have some new activist friends that we hope will join us on future bridge walks.
Making peace with every moment that we live and breath on this precious earth…that gives us hope! To inspire and be inspired by each other.
In solidarity with the women in Mexico who are working diligently to build a movement to stop the violence and oppression against women in their society, in support of all women and all genders around the world deserving equal rights and gender equality, and a safe community to live in, let’s make a visual show of support:
And may we one day ABOLISH WAR!
Toby, Fred, Martha, Susan, Renay, Nancy, Carol, Paul, Michael, Barbara, Laura, Ellen, Denise and all!
More photos to tell a thousand words:
On the move!