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Why SodaStream?
SodaStream markets itself as an environmentally friendly product to “Turn Water Into Fresh Sparkling Water And Soda”… but there is nothing friendly about the destruction of Palestinian life, land and water resources! Although SodaStream products are labeled as "Made in Israel," its main production facility is in the industrial zone of Mishor Edomin, an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank. As a result, SodaStream enjoys cheap land and water, confiscated from the indigenous Palestinian owners; a captive Palestinian labor force; tax benefits; and lax regulation of environmental and labor protection laws. All Israeli settlements exist in direct contravention to international law! This settlement company obscures its true illegal origin by marking its products “Made in Israel,” however “made in an illegal Israeli settlement” is more like it.
- 'Who Profits from the Occupation'? – SodaStream/Soda Club does!
- The SodaStream factory is located in an illegal industrial zone called Mishor Adumim, one of the largest Israeli thefts of Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank that disconnects Ramallah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jericho.
- Read this letter from the Coalition of Women for Peace
- Consult this full report about SodaStream and its illegal practices compiled by WhoProfits.
- The Soda Club Group's Trademarks: SodaStream®, Soda-Club®, AlcoJet®, Sprudelino®, Aquabar®, Gazoz®, Aquafizz®, Aquabubbler®, Penguin®, Sodamaker® Fountain Jet®, and Edition1®
- Check out:
Take Action
1. Send a letter telling Scarlet Johansson to drop SodaStream
Scarlett Johansson, a movie star and Oxfam Goodwil Ambassador, is the new Global Brand Ambassador for occupation profiteer SodaStream.We have joined other human rights groups in contacting Oxfam, asking them to pressure Johansson to drop SodaStream, and, if she doesn’t, requesting that Oxfam suspend Johansson. We expect to hear from Oxfam within days, and we are hoping that they do the right thing. Take action today by sending a letter to Scarlett Johansson. Occupation isn’t green or guilt free, and she should not let SodaStream use her good name to market illegal settlement goods.
2. Send letters to SodaStream retailers
- Send a letter to Macy's CEO
- Contact Macys, Penney's, Costco, Target, Staples and BB&B
- Send a letter to Staples CEO (Office of Staples CEO and Chair, 500 Staples Dr. Framingham, MA 01702) or email or call the CEO's office: [email protected] or 800–338–0252
- Hand deliver the Letter to the Staples Store Manager in your area!
3. Get the Human Rights-Friendly Alternative
4. Get Social!
- Don't buy SodaStream! Get the latest scoop on alternative products
- Become a BDS Bride! Watch our video below and use our script and flyer!
- Download: Slogans & Chants for Protesting SodaStream
- Download: Latest Flier to Boycott SodaStream: Color | Black & White
Regional context: the SodaStream factory is located at the Mishor Edomim Industrial Park, in the occupied West Bank.
Map: Shai Efrati. © Who Profits
The settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim is strategically located in a manner which disconnects Ramallah from Bethlehem. Map: Shai Efrati. Background topography: Copyright: © 2009 ESRI