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Tell the Senate: Vote NO on the Non-Profit Kill Bill, Protect U.S. Non-Profits!


In our over 20 years of advocating for peace and justice at CODEPINK, we’ve never seen repression on this scale. 

Right now, the movement for Palestinian liberation is facing smear campaigns, legislation targeting activists, surveillance, and even unlawful arrests. CODEPINKers have been unlawfully assaulted and arrested for their activism on Capitol Hill, signaling this larger state of repression. 

The Senate has a bill that would give the President’s administration unilateral power to revoke tax exempt status from non-profits – a clear tool for crushing political dissent. The House just passed this resolution. We need to keep our foot on the gas against this horrible bill! 

CODEPINK isn’t the only organization targeted for standing against genocide in Gaza; Congress is actively working on a bill that, with abuse of power, would remove the tax-exempt status of organizations supporting Palestine. UNRWA is also a clear target of this bill, and we must continue to protect it. 

For letter subject, fill in whatever matches best! Suggestions: Civil Rights and Liberties, Labor/Employment or Government Oversight and Accountability