Posted by CODEPINK Staff
"Afghanistan is known as the “graveyard of empires... Why do we think the American attempt will be any different?” If ever there was a sadder, truer statement on US involvement in Afghanistan it would be this one in Phyllis Bennis and Farrah Hassen's recent article in the Progressive. Possibly only topped by Robert Naiman's recent piece on the Huffpo where he wrote, "A progressive Presidency is a terrible thing to waste...Wouldn't it be a shame if Americans' hopes for the Obama Administration were squandered in Afghanistan?"
Neither of these statements reflect the hope that energized millions just several short weeks ago. Maybe the honeymoon is over. Or maybe we need to take this opportunity as a peace movement and make sure that we don't fall back into the same abusive relationship we had with the Bush White House; continuing to move forward and push Obama to do what's right with a flawed strategy. Naiman calls it "counterpressure"- and the mainstream media needs it too...