Posted by CODEPINK Staff
The famed anti-consumerist theorist and author Anne Elizabeth Moore wrote this piece here in In These Times magazine about her time this summer working for CODEPINK as the online coordinator (she, in fact, created this lovely PINKTank home for thoughtful conversation on peace and activism). She left CODEPINK after the Republican Convention to pursue other work.
She casts a critical eye on the group, wondering if the group is an empty brand, full of white, middle-upper class privilege, and an irritating one-trick pony. These are exact questions many of us within CODEPINK ask ourselves but have trouble answering.
Moore mentions our much overlooked work, like our speaking tour of Iraqi women last year, and includes that we often speak for those who cannot, such as "congressional security guards who whisper appreciation that the group continues to make its presence — and demands — felt on the Hill." And she explains the meaning behind our signature color:
"Still, what gets attention — even among our liberal media — is the girly color.
'Code Pink is about reclaiming the richness of femininity and power,' (Dana) Balicki says, 'which is harnessed in our general distaste of the color that, for many, represented all things typical, subdued, appropriate, predictable, simple and reasonable — values most of us struggled to leave aside.'
She adds: 'Once you march with 10,000 women in pink around the White House, the color never looks the same. Neither do you.'"
Moore's final conclusion strikes a similar chord to that of Cintra Wilson's in her story "Cracking CODEPINK" on about CODEPINK back in July, who called us an "irritating children's birthday party" before coming around to our good intentions and effectiveness. We'll do what we can to fight the insurmountable fight against war, disappearing rights and corporate greed -- bring on the cake!