U.S. relations with the rest of the world should be based on respect, cooperation, and diplomacy, not war. We are asking presidential candidates to agree to:
1. Reduce Military Spending, Invest at Home
Dramatically reduce military spending, including closing over 800 military bases in 70 nations. Invest the freed-up funds in sustainable energy projects, infrastructure, care for veterans, education, housing, tax cuts for the lowest incomes, humanitarian aid, and payment of the federal debt. Create a transition program for workers to move frommilitary- to peace-based jobs.
2. Use Diplomacy First
Continue the policies started under the Obama Administration of making peace with Cuba and Iran, and extend to other conflict areas of the world, including North Korea. Cease US military involvement and support diplomatic resolutions in the Middle East, including Israel-Palestine.
3. Abide by International Law - No Unauthorized Wars
Abolish the presidential kill list, stop using weaponized drones for extrajudicial assassinations, and support a global treaty banning these weapons systems. Cease the practice of launching wars not authorized by Congress or the United Nations.
4. Work Toward A Nuclear-Free, Peaceful World
Abide by obligations under the NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) to cut the US nuclear arsenal and promote a nuclear-free world. Stop intimidating Russia; end NATO expansion on its borders. Remove the missile defense systems from Europe.
5. Promote Women in Peacemaking
Uphold UN Security Council Resolution 1325 that calls for the full involvement of women in preventing, resolving, and recovering from conflict.
6. End U.S. support for Israel's occupation
The US government should hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law. Commit to ending financial, military, and diplomatic support for Israel's occupation and its human rights abuses.
7. Observe US Law Prohibiting the Sale of Weapons to Human Rights Violators
Stop the practice of giving or selling weapons to countries that are human rights violators, such as Bahrain, Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
8. End the Militarization of Police Departments and US Borders
End the policy of transferring military-grade weaponry and surveillance equipment from the military to local police departments. End the militarization of our national borders.
9. Stop Illegal Detention of Prisoners in Guantanamo and Elsewhere, Hold Torturers Accountable
Release prisoners who have been cleared for release and try the others in federal courts. Arrest and put on trial US personnel who engaged in torture. Close Gitmo.
10. Respect Whistleblowers--and Our Privacy
Recognize the value of whistleblowers in serving the best interests of the public. End mass surveillance, including the bulk collection of our personal data.