Tell your Senators: Vote NO on the $8 TRILLION Pentagon Budget. Vote YES to fund $3.5T for healthcare, education, and green jobs! |
Dear friends,
On Thursday, I joined our friends at GreenPeace to call out Senator Joe Manchin by taking our bold message right to his yacht.
Our message?
#CutThePentagon and invest in healthcare, education, and green jobs!
It’s not just hypocritical corporate Democrat Joe Manchin that needs to hear this. The Senate will be voting on an $8 TRILLION Pentagon budget in November.
Take one minute to email and call your senators to say: NO more money for war, YES to funding the people and planet!
I’m fed up with politicians like Joe Manchin who vote for the $8 TRILLION Pentagon budget then turn around and say we “can’t afford” to spend $3.5 trillion on healthcare, education, and green jobs.
That’s why it’s so important that our Senators hear from us now! Call and email your Senators!
For the past few weeks I’ve been in the streets of Washington D.C. with thousands of people in solidarity with People Vs. Fossil Fuels Week, an Indigenous and frontline community call for mass mobilization for this administration to #BuildBackFossilFree.
We’ve been working tirelessly to make sure that Congress holds the line and funds what really makes us safe: healthcare, education, and green jobs. But despite our efforts, funding for these programs is in jeopardy.
While CODEPINK is disrupting people in power in the streets of DC, we need everyone to call and email their Senator demanding they vote NO on the $8 TRILLION Pentagon budget and YES to fund healthcare, education, and green jobs.
Being in the streets of Washington D.C. with our progressive allies these past few weeks has been energizing. War profiteers and corporate lobbyists do have money, but they don’t have the power of the people and our movement.
I’m honored to be in the struggle with all of you! Contact your Senators now!
Towards a weapon-free and fossil-free world,
P.S.- Tuesday October 26 at 4PMPT/7PM ET join us for The Spoils of War: Conversation with Author Andrew Cockburn! RSVP here.
P.P.S- You can join me in action the streets of DC! Sign up to join me here.