Vermont divesters, are you ready to raise your voice for peace even louder? Your work against housing nuclear bombers is capturing the attention of your state legislators! Will you add your name to the growing list of Vermonters calling on their state legislators to say NO To nuclear bombers in Vermont?
Can you call the statehouse today? Dial 802-828-2228 to leave a message asking your legislators support SR 5 and HR 7, the resolutions opposing basing any nuclear weapon delivery system in Vermont.
Once you’ve called, you can also email your legislator with the same message! Click this tool to send an email directly to your state legislators. Citizens Against Nuclear Bombers in Vermont is looking for citizen co-sponsors to sign on — email Jennifer Decker at [email protected] to let them know if you want to sign on.
This is an exciting time for the peace movement in Vermont, and we need all hands on deck from dedicated activists like you. I hope you’ll join us in starting a divest from the war machine team! We need people who are excited to join the peace movement in a variety of capacities so please email me at [email protected] and we can build a team together to divest our cities, states, schools, and institutions from the war machine! We can’t let these corporate fat cats keep making a killing on killing with our public funds!
Towards a weapons-free future,
Maya and the CODEPINK Divest from War team