Posted by CODEPINK Staff
Let Obama Know Peace is a Priority. The Obama Transition Team has once again opened up for questions on their official site, Questions can be voted up or down by members of the community and the Obama Team will answer the most popular questions after the New Year. Let Obama know that peace, including ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, are priorities for the American people by voting for the following CODEPINK questions:
* President-Elect Obama, you were elected in large part because of your promise to end the War in Iraq. Will you sit down with leaders of the peace movement to talk about bringing our troops home?
* What will you do to find a viable, negotiated solution that ends the violence in Afghanistan and fosters sustainable economic development, women's rights, healthcare, education and civil society in the region?
Here's how you can vote:
1. Go to the Open for Questions page
2. Sign In to your account
3. Search for the questions using the keyword: peacevoter
4. Vote by hitting the checkmark next to each of the questions
After voting, you can also submit your own question for Obama.
Update: Jodie Evans wrote a piece for Tikkun magazine today to President Obama calling for him to End War Altogether and meet with the peace community. Check it out here.